Tuesday 13 December 2011

print advert anlysation

This is a snowboarding advert i would say it is not as affective because they do not even show a snowboard which is the main part of an advert

print advert anlysation

This advert is a very effective skateboard advert mainly because of the way it is presented the huge image attracts the reader and the title is bold  i think there target audience are teenagers from 13 - 18 just by the way it is presented.

Thursday 8 December 2011

my advert

This is my media studies advert i think it is good advert which looks very perfesional my target audience are buissness men people in the b catogory this a high class laptop and fits all there needs it has every thing from microsoft exel to photoshop it is pure instinct.

I thought that the dark background makes the screen stand out and shows what the laptop is mad of. the title is   eye catching and the red slogan  appeal to my audience which i think would make them think. The price is resonable to b working class people and all together a very effective advert

Thursday 24 November 2011

advert needs

an print advert needs big bold headings to attract the reader to the advert because that is what they would see when they open the print advert up. also they need to have to use the right amount of text because they do not want to bore the reader also catchy slogans and persuasive langauge rules in a print advert.

They use lots of  persuasive langauge which attracts the reader and catch slogans like "what you air" . also they use big bold writing to attract the reader with eye cathing colours they maybe use celebraties to promote there product like david beckam. David beckam  is in a lot of perfume adverts and energy adverts to attract the people to the advert  all of these are ways to mess with the audience mind to persuade them to buy there product.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

print adverts

this my advert an elephant fighting for crisps they use the use of humors to create intreste and also makes people desire to have it. The elephant also attracts alot of attension which would make more people buy it.

Monday 31 October 2011

why does advertising exist

Advertising has been used  through out our history to show people what you are selling. People advertise to show what they are selling a company like specsavers get lots of money because they advertise their products alot on tv . If you do not advertise your products you will not make much money as a company which do advertise. If no one advertises you will not know what people are selling and companies would make less money than they should. However with advertising companies would make more money

where you can find advertising